It started with one or two anti-ESG videos amid a sea of good ESG webinars. However, over the past few weeks, the anti-ESG movement has adopted the word 'woke' and states are backing out of ESG investments. Social media has blown up with shouts of the 'ESG scam.' As a result, I now see more conservative anti-ESG videos with higher view counts than productive, quality ESG videos on Youtube.Disinformation, the conflation of ESG and sustainability, and general confusion about ESG have spread like wildfire. But, unfortunately, it isn't only impacting ESG. Climate disinformation is rampant, even as the Earth's weather systems wreak havoc.Let's get to it!
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The ESG Advocate 007 - ✨Now with 98…
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It started with one or two anti-ESG videos amid a sea of good ESG webinars. However, over the past few weeks, the anti-ESG movement has adopted the word 'woke' and states are backing out of ESG investments. Social media has blown up with shouts of the 'ESG scam.' As a result, I now see more conservative anti-ESG videos with higher view counts than productive, quality ESG videos on Youtube.Disinformation, the conflation of ESG and sustainability, and general confusion about ESG have spread like wildfire. But, unfortunately, it isn't only impacting ESG. Climate disinformation is rampant, even as the Earth's weather systems wreak havoc.Let's get to it!